Leslie Kirkes
M.S. Molecular Biology '13Geoscience Engineer
Sandia National Laboratories
"I loved my experience with Lehigh's Distance Education [Online] Program and I would have never accomplished my goals at Sandia National Laboratories without my degree from Lehigh.Thank you, Lehigh!"
John Hoskins
M.S. Chemistry"My education through Lehigh has opened numerous opportunities for me to become a faculty member at multiple colleges. It was truly a blessing for the distance education program to exist. I continuously encourage those I know who are working to take part in the program."

Natalie Woolery
Molecular Biology '13Scientist II
Aesculap Biologics, LLC
"I am very proud to have graduated with a Masters from Lehigh. Your University made the transition from professional life back to student life easy and the learning experience was invaluable to my career. I appreciate all the assistance I received along the way, especially from the Distance Ed department, whether it was rescheduling exams or choosing classes the DE office was always available and helpful!"

Daniel Lordan
MBA '14Senior Mechanical Engineer
Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company
"Earning an MBA from a top ranked program at an academically renowned university such as Lehigh is extremely rewarding. What has made it even more special is the experience. As a distance education student, staying actively connected to classmates and professors is very important. Lehigh's Classroom LIVE distance education program is second to none and truly differentiates the Lehigh MBA experience from other programs. The connections I have made with my classmates- professionals from a variety of industries from around the world- only serve to enhance the high quality business education the program obviously provides."
Kamie Smith
Auditor, GQRC-AnalyticalBristol-Myers Squibb
"I completed this certificate program in conjunction with the MS in chemistry program at Lehigh, I believe it is directly correlated with opening new doors for me within my current company. I finished my degree and certificate while working with Bristol-Myers Squibb as an analytical chemist in the laboratory, but when a position opened up in regulatory compliance, I applied. With the completion of the certificate program in Regulatory Affairs, and with my experience in the lab analyzing dosing formulation samples, I was chosen to fill the open position. It was honestly one of the best career and education choices I've ever made!"
Joleen Codner
Northrop-Grumman"The MSE classes cover all aspects of design. You learn how to design a new product, something a customer wants, and then you learn to go in front of the customer and sell the product to them. Once you get engrossed in your job, you realize how helpful the MSE program is. We learned business and engineering theory, we got a lot of hands-on experience, and we did a lot of projects. We even worked on virtual teams with distance-education students..."

Nathan Phillips
M.S. in Polymer Science & Engineering '17Chief Chemist
TCR Composites
"My experience with Lehigh's Distance Education program provided me with the knowledge I needed to solve advanced problems for my employer. Although I had been professionally mentored in polymers for several years, Lehigh helped me learn the academic knowledge and critical details of why polymers react in the manner that they do. Receiving my MS in Polymer Science & Engineering degree allowed me to advance to the highest existing position within my employer's R&D department."

Richard Gilbert
MBA Corporate Entrepreneurship ’17Research Engineer
Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
"After completing my undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering at Lehigh, I was skeptical that I would be able to achieve the same level of excellence so far from South Mountain. Fortunately, the Distance Education program provided me with a gateway to easily transport myself into the Lehigh classroom when I began my MBA program in 2014. While working full-time, I was able to maintain my peace of mind without having to worry about leaving work early to participate in weeknight lectures. All of my professors were accommodating, providing me with flexible time frames for scheduling proctored examinations at my local library. Engaging with classmates as a Distance Education student challenged me to further develop my communication skills in presenting clear, accurate and precise perspectives. I gained hours of training in working with partners remotely using communications platforms, such as Skype, Google Hangouts, and Zoom. My hard work in completing my Lehigh MBA curriculum has enhanced my business acumen, while the Distance Education program has taught me the valuable lesson that you can work anywhere, anytime to solve problems with peers."

Mike Wells
M.Eng. Polymer Science and Engineering '11Director of Research and Development
Reynolds Polymer Technology
The Polymer Science and Engineering degree through the Distance Education program of Lehigh has proven to be one of the most beneficial undertakings of my career. Not only was I exposed to some of the best educators in the field, but had the chance to interact with many of the top researchers as well. This program has tremendously extended the possibilities available in my remaining career.

Matthew Green
MBA '17Chief Information Officer
PPL Electric Utilities Corporation
"Through my MBA program, I've taken classes across the entire US (From California to New York), across the world (Australia, UK), and even on a plane (2 separate times). The integration of technology into the learning experience was extremely effective in helping me to pursue an education without keeping me from doing my job, or being a dad to my wonderful two daughters."

Andrew Pansulla
M. Eng. Chemical Engineering '18Technical Service Engineer
"The curriculum was very flexible and gave me the ability to not only gain a mastery of the core Chemical Engineering principles but to be able to learn about the other areas of Chemical Engineering. The program was challenging, however it was also very rewarding. I feel the program and course work did a fantastic job preparing me to become a better engineer in my professional career."
Alex Smith
Graduate Certificate, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering '20Sr. Process Control Engineer
Valero Energy
"The practice of controls engineering in the chemical and refining industries requires an in depth knowledge of both electrical and chemical engineering. Unfortunately, the two disciplines do not coalesce at the undergraduate level. Lehigh’s distance program has allowed me to supplement my undergraduate electrical engineering education with an advanced chemical engineering curriculum, enabling me to be a unique technical resource in the industry. Thanks to this program, I can attend a highly respected engineering school, and I still get to see my family every night."