As a Lehigh University Distance Education student, you are entitled to a Student ID.

About the ID Card

The Distance Education ID Card is the official non-photo ID card available to students enrolled in Lehigh University distance education degree programs. Its sole purpose is to assist in proving active student status. To qualify for a Distance Education ID Card you must be an active student enrolled in a Lehigh University distance education degree program.

Distance Education ID Card Request Form

You must log in using your Lehigh credentials to view / complete the form.

Distance Education ID Card FAQs

To request your Distance Education ID Card, complete the Distance Education ID Card Request Form below (Lehigh login required). Your Distance Education ID Card will be mailed to you at the address you provide on the form below. Cards typically arrive within a few weeks, but it sometimes takes as much as 4-6 weeks to reach mailing addresses outside the United States.

If you need a replacement card, simply follow the same procedures you would for getting your initial Distance Education ID Card. Please indicate on the Distance Education ID Card Request Form that you are requesting a replacement card. The cost for a replacement card is $20.

The date printed on your initial card was the expected graduation date at the time the card was printed. At the time of graduation, your card will become void. If your expected graduation date has been extended and you would like a new Distance Education ID Card with your new graduation date, then follow the same procedures you would for getting your initial Distance Education ID Card, indicating your new graduation date.

The Lehigh ID Card is the official Lehigh University campus ID card. The main difference between the two cards is that the Lehigh ID Card is designed to be a stand-alone ID card, and includes a photo. The Lehigh ID Card also includes technology that provides access to a number of on-campus services, which the Distance Education ID Card does not. More information on Lehigh ID Card Benefits can be found at

Yes, if you wish to obtain a Lehigh Photo ID, it may be obtained from the IDEAL Department, located at 42 University Drive on Lehigh's campus. You will need to follow the photo submission instructions found at Please note that the IDEAL Department does not mail Lehigh ID Cards. You would need to come to campus and pick up your card in person. If you have a Distance Education ID Card and come to campus at some later date, you can drop by the IDEAL Department and trade in your current Distance Education ID Card for a Lehigh ID Card.