Please see Banner for current course listings.
You can also Browse Classes by Semester by going to the Registration & Academic Services (RAS) website.
- Select the Term
- Under the Search Criteria, select the 'Attribute' - Distance Education
- You will see a complete listing of DE courses.
- If you select the course title, you will see all the details of the course
You can also go to the Advanced Search to search the 'Schedule Type' to find courses being offered as Online, Classroom LIVE, or Hybrid.
Students should email their Program Advisor or the Deparment Coordinator to confirm their course selection and get their Registration (Alternative) PIN. You must have this PIN to register. PINs are unique to each semester and each student.
If you wish to take a course outside of your department, you will need to notify the Deparment Coordinator to request an override prior to registering. You will not be able to register without this override.
If you are returning from an approved Leave of Absence, you will first need to complete the Graduate Readmission Form. If you have taken a leave from graduate stude for more than one year without requesting an offical leave of absence you will be required to petition the Standing of Graduate Students (SOGS) committee for readmission, in addition to completing the Graduate Readmission Form.
- Go to: go.lehigh.edu/studentregistration
- Click on Registration for Classes. This will take you to Lehigh's Campus Portal.
- Log in with your Lehigh email ID (username) and password.
- If you have not take a course within the last semester, you will need to reactivate your Lehigh email account and password. You can do this by going to accounts.lehigh.edu/forgot
- When registering, make certain to use the correct CRN for the distance "D" section of the course.
- If there is a balance on your account, this amount will need ot be paid before you can register.
- For information about tuition and payment, please refer to our Tuition and Payment page.
During the first 5 days of class, students may add classes via the web with the consent of their advisors.
During the sixth through tenth day of classes, both the advisor and the instructor's consent is required to add the class. Students will need to complete an Drop/Add form and submit it to their Program Department, along with a copy to the DE office.
Classes may be dropped with only the consent of the advisor during the drop/add period. Students will need to complete a Drop/Add form and submit it to their Program Department, along with a copy to the DE office.
Students dropping a course within the first ten days of the semester (three days for the summer session) will have no record of the course on the transcript. A student who withdraws from a course with the approval of his/her advisor an section instructor after the tenth day of instruction and before the end of the eleventh week of instruction will have a grade of "W" assigned to the course.
An Drop/Add form signed by the students advisor must be submitted to The Office of Registration & Academic Services before the deadlines noted above to be official. No course may be dropped after the eleventh week of classes during a term as noted on the University Calendar.
Tuition will be refunded according to the pro-rated schedule determined by the Bursar's Office Refund Policy.
Fees are non-refundable after the start of the course.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the DE office at 610-758-6210 or the department of your program of study.
Requsting a Leave of Absence
- During the course of graduate study, students may find themselves in circumstances that require them to interrupt their graduate work. When these occasions arise, the University allows students to request a leave of absence for either personal or medical reseasons.
- To confirm eligibility for a leave, please be sure to review this policy in the current University catalog: http://catalog.lehigh.edu/graduatestudyandresearch/graduateleaveofabsence/
- Students are require to submit an official Leave of Absense Request form.
- An approved leave of absence extends the time-to-degree deadline for the length of the approved leave, but only up to the university-mandated maximum of two years.
Return from Leave and Resume Graduate Studies
- When ready to resume graduate study, students are required to complete the Graduate Readmission form.
- Students who take a leave from graduate study without requesting an official leave of absence will be required ot petition the Standing of Graduate Students (SOGS) committee for readmission if they've been away from the muiversity for more than one year. Unapproved leaves count towards the two-year leave maximium.