This 12 credit graduate online certificate program in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering provides students with competence in selected areas of chemical and biomolecular engineering applied science. This certificate is designed for working professionals in related technology fields who are seeking professional advancement in this growing field.
A B.S. degree in any branch of engineering or science and a minimum GPA of 3.00 are required.
Please note: Bridge courses, such as CHE 201 or CHE 383 may be required based on the student’s background. These will count towards the course credit requirements. Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering III, CHE 383 is a summer semester course offering. Therefore, we encourage applicable candidates to apply for summer admission.
Core Courses*: | |
CHE 400 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (3) | CHE 415 Transport Processes (4) |
CHE 410 Chemical Reaction Engineering (3) | CHE 452 Mathematics Methods in Chemical Engineering (3) |
Electives*: | |
CHE 331 Separation | CHE 442 Biotechnology II (3) |
CHE 341 Biotechnology I (3) | CHE 444 Bioseparations (3) |
CHE 342 Biotechnology II (3) | CHE 448 Topics in Biochemical Engineering (3) |
CHE 376 Energy: Issues and Technology (3) | CHE 449 Metabolic Engineering (3) |
CHE 391 Colloid and Surface Chemistry (3) | CHE 493 Emulsion Polymers (3) |
CHE 393 Physical Polymer Science (3) | CHE 496 Understanding Pharm Regulations (3) |
CHE 395 Understanding Medical Device Regulations (3) | ISE 410 Design of Experiments (3) |
CHE 401 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II (3) | ISE 426 Optimization Models and Applications (3) |
CHE 413 Heterogeneous Catalysis and Surface Characterization (3) | ME 360 Nuclear Reactor Engineering (3) |
CHE 428 Rheology (3) | ME 362 Nuclear Fusion and Radiation Protection (3) |
CHE 430 Mass Transfer (3) | ME 364 Renewable Energy (3) |
CHE 440 Chemical Engineering in the Life Sciences (3) | TE 407 Intellectual Property (IP) Creation and Management (2) |
CHE 441 Biotechnology I (3) |
*Other courses may be used as approved by the graduate advisor.
Students will take four courses (12 credits) from those courses listed in the curriculum section to complete the certificate requirements.
- Must take one course from the CHE Core Course list, 2 CHE courses from either the core course or elective lists, and 1 course from any of the remaining electives.
- No more than one grade below B-
- Must be taken post-baccalaureate at Lehigh University (no transfer of non-Lehigh course accepted) and must be for credit (audits do not count).
- Must be completed in 3 years.
Program Director
Professor Jonas Baltrusaitis
Phone: 610-758-6836
E-mail: inchbede@lehigh.edu
Tuition & Fees
To learn more about tuition and fees, click here.
Questions & Inquires
For further questions, inquires, or questions regarding requirements, please contact Dr. Baltrusaitis at inchbede@lehigh.edu.
Make a Connection
Thanks to this program, I can attend a highly respected engineering school, and I still get to see my family every night.
Alex Smith - Graduate Certificate, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering '20