Important Graduation Information
Applications must be submitted to The Office of Registration & Academic Services by the following deadlines:
- January Gradution: Apply by October 1
- May Graduation: Apply by February 1
- August/Sepember Graduation: Apply by July 1
All applications recieved after the deadline date will be assess a $50 late application fee.
A student must be registered in the semester in which the degree is conferred.
In order to graduate you must fill out the application for degree form, which is only available through Banner. To access the form, log on to the Portal, click the Banner icon, and click the Student Services tab/Student Academic Records. The last link on the list will bring you to the Graduation Application Form.
You must also complete the LU Program for Masters Degree Form. This form must be complete at the latest when the student registers for their last course to satisfy their program requirements. The form should be sent to the student's program department for approval signatures. The department will forward the form onto The Office of Registration & Academic Services.
Please note: Students who do not graduate in the semester for which they originally filed must complete and re-submit an Applicaiton for Degree for the semester in which they will graduate.
Lehigh University offers once commencement ceremony each year in May. The ceremony is combined for both graduates and undergraduates. DE students who graduate in September, January, and May are invited to "walk" at the University Commencement in May. Just inform The Office of Registration & Academic Services at 610-758-3195 or cmm2@lehigh.edu that you wish to participate in the May ceremony.
After the May ceremony, our DE office hosts an Open House for our graduating DE students and their families. Students will recieve more information in early May.